no longer vegan

Are you no longer vegan? No worries because I have your back.

I want to give you a few tips on how to go back to eating plant-based without causing you too much stress and overwhelm. You don’t have to stay in the animal-eating world because I know how you can return.

Now, I don’t know what caused you to go back to eating animal products. Maybe it was the pressure from friends and family. Or you felt sick and uncomfortable. Perhaps you just fell off the wagon somehow. 

It doesn’t matter if you are no longer vegan, because you can go back to being plant-based right away.

I have lived this lifestyle for 8 years now and not for a second have I considered quitting. But not everyone is like me. I have supportive systems set in place and I am very determined. Now it’s your turn.

If you are no longer vegan, here is how to go back to being plant-based:

  • Recognize what made you eat a non-human animal again.

Something had to have happened for you to stop being vegan. 

Take some time to look within and recognize what pushed you off the vegan train. It will help you look for signs in the future. You will be able to catch yourself before it happens again.

A lot of people fail due to not having plant-based friends. We will talk about that next.

  • Find a supportive community of non-judgmental people.

You don’t necessarily need vegan friends as much as you need people who will support your decision to be vegan.

So make sure your close circle is full of kind, compassionate and supportive individuals. You want to feel loved and respected, no matter how different your lifestyle is from theirs. 

If you do want plant-based friends, attend events, volunteer with vegan organizations, follow and chat with people online… there are so many options available to you.

  • Remind yourself of why this matters to you.

Why are you vegan? You were probably asked this question once or twice in your life. Do you know the answer to it, though?

Look within and seek the answers because only you know what made you change your habits. When you do find it, hold on to it tight because this will be your guide from now.

Your why is a foundation on which you will build everything else.

What do you think? Are you willing to go back to being vegan?

What happened in the past doesn’t matter because you can always turn a new page. You can always begin again. 

You got this. You always have. I believe in you.

If you feel called to support my work, please consider buying me a cup of cappuccino. It helps me greatly.
