Day: April 14, 2023

Dedicate yourself to your well-being.

Your recovery journey requires complete dedication from your side. It expects from you perseverance, vulnerability and openness.  You must open your heart to it. I found that when I wasn’t available to recover emotionally, I wasn’t improving. What was expected from me was an absolute dedication to my well-being. When I gave it, everything changed. …

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3 lessons acting school taught me.

Once upon a time, I was an aspiring actress. That is a lie, but I still pretended like I won an Oscar when I was going to acting school. It all started when I watched Kingsman. That movie changed my life because the second it finished I decided I wanted to be an actress. Like,…

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Stop comparing yourself to others.

I used to social media stalk my former schoolmates. Who hasn’t, right? But the thing is, I was comparing myself to them all the time. Many of them have children and families and live in houses. They have actual careers. I don’t. I never wanted kids and I live in an apartment that is falling…

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Instagram content ideas for vegans.

I rarely use Instagram nowadays as I am completely in love with Pinterest, but I have a small community on there to feel like I can share this post with you.  Today I will give you 30 days of Instagram content ideas, but specifically for vegans. Because that is my group of people and it…

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How to have your own Eat, Pray, Love adventure.

I just finished reading Eat, Pray, Love a few days ago. The book itself was good but what I loved most was how inspired I felt afterwards. Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to go on my own adventure around the world. But since not everyone can afford to do this (myself included), I figured…

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22 vegan blog post ideas for vegan bloggers.

After almost nine years of blogging, it is pretty difficult to come up with new vegan blog post ideas. It seems as if I have written about everything already. But many of you are just starting, or you simply lack ideas. So I will share with all of you, my dear vegan bloggers, 22 ideas…

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