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I love self-help books more than any other book genre in the world. I really do.
While 99% of them are shit and make me cringe, there are always those who manage to help me even in the smallest ways. Today, I want to share those rare gems with you.
I’ve reviewed some of them already and you can find all of them here. But I still wish to make a post where I put all the self-help books that actually helped me in one place together. It is just easier that way.
So get yourself a cup of cappuccino and a notebook because you will want to write down some of these titles. Get comfortable and put yourself in the mindset of peacefulness as when you are at your calmest, you can hear your inner voice most clearly.Â
When the book you need to read appears, you will know. This sounds super woo-woo but I truly do believe that deep down we know what we need most and the voice guides us to works that will help us.
If you don’t believe me, give it a try and see for yourself.
Here are the best self-help books that actually helped me:
I fixed my computer and became more confident because of this book. It gave me a new mantra – that everything is figureoutable – to repeat to myself over and over again whenever things get tricky.
Marie beautifully explains through stories and examples why most things are able to be figured out. She makes you feel like you can do anything you want to do, and do it well.Â
After finishing the book, I found myself to be more confident and sure of myself.
What would happen if women supported women? The answer is simple, really. Women would thrive not only in their careers and homes but in their inner lives as well.Â
One of the rare few self-help books that give you actionable advice on how to change your life and the life of others whom you can touch. I do not consider myself a feminist, per se, but this book is the closest thing to convincing me I am one.
Maria is that author who gives it to you straight, whether you want to hear it or not.Â
Her advice is honest and authentic because she speaks from the experience of building a company from the ground up. While mostly a business book, it offers enough self-help tips that I count it as one.Â
From how to handle yourself on social media to how to motivate yourself to work out, meditate and take good care of yourself in general. How To Be An Overnight Success has it all.
If you are unsure of what you want in life or are afraid of being honest about it, this self-help book will offer you guidance.
Kristina wrote a book that contains a ton of exercises and prompts to get you moving in the right direction. I’m not kidding, you guys. There are a whole lot of exercises in this book and you know how much I love this.
It helped me reveal my hidden desires and get very, very clear on how I will get where I want to go. If you are lost, you don’t need to be any longer.
How stressed are you? And how honest are you about being stressed in the first place?
Becoming Super Woman was written specifically for women who want to have it all but never actually got clear on what all means, so they are trying to get something they don’t even know.
That causes stress and you need to do something about it. This book helped me realize that doing things on my own terms is not only possible but necessary. I actually can have it all because now I finally know what that means for me.
Which one spoke to you? If none of them did, that is okay too. Your voice will speak when it is necessary.
I have always loved self-help books because they were so positive and motivational. That is not always the best thing because I have yet to see a self-help guru who is not problematic in some way, but some books actually do manage to help.
One YouTube channel I like watching is Savy Writes Books. Savy reviews all types of literature and usually, I agree with her but unlike her, I am more forgiving of gurus when they go too far on positivity.Â
I mention her because I believe it is important to remember that just because we love self-help books, it is good to remember that the authors of those works lead very privileged lives. For them, being broke is just a mindset while for most of the readers, it is a very real struggle.Â
Remember to be critical of everything you read, even if you love it. This is my approach when it comes to self-help books and gurus.