instagram content ideas

I rarely use Instagram nowadays as I am completely in love with Pinterest, but I have a small community on there to feel like I can share this post with you. 

Today I will give you 30 days of Instagram content ideas, but specifically for vegans. Because that is my group of people and it is the content I am most familiar with.

But before we begin, I want you to get very clear on why you are using social media. It is the easiest thing to post something stupid, but I want you to provide value to people. I want you to be of service to others.

This world is already running on selfishness, and we have to stop this madness. Enough with vanity and pointless photos and reels. We want to provide value, okay?

Okay, before we start, go ahead and follow me on Instagram so we can be friends. Plus, you can see what I’m posting and get some more content ideas.

Here are 30 days of Instagram content ideas for vegans:

  • A photo of your plant-based breakfast.
  • A quote about animal rights.
  • A photo of you and a non-human farm animal.
  • A photo of your favourite cruelty-free makeup.
  • Share a video with your favourite vegan books.
  • A graphic photo of what happens inside a slaughterhouse.
  • A photo of your plant-based lunch.
  • A photo of something you baked. 
  • A selfie with you wearing a shirt with a vegan message. 
  • A photo of your favourite cruelty-free hair product.
  • Poll your followers whether or not they are already vegan.
  • Share your favourite activist. 
  • A quote about plant-based diets.
  • Encourage people to ditch dairy.
  • Share your meal plan for the week.
  • A photo of you and your companion animal. 
  • Share a passage from your favourite vegan book.
  • A photo of your favourite vegan book.
  • Ask your followers a vegan-related question.
  • Post a fun vegan-inspired reel.
  • A graphic of cruelty-free brands. 
  • A video of you sharing your vegan story.
  • A photo of your plant-based dinner.
  • Post a video with your top 3 vegan tips.
  • A photo of your vegetable garden.
  • Encourage people to adopt, not shop.
  • A quote about non-human animals. 
  • Share a graphic photo from a dairy farm. 
  • Repost someone’s content. 
  • Share this blog post with your followers.

Whoa, so many ideas that you can use.

Now that you will start providing value to your followers, you’ll feel better about what you do. Listen, this is activism without actually going out of your bed. Isn’t that what we all want?

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing more vegan content on Instagram from you. Tag me @tanjajurgec so I can check out what you’re doing.

You got this. You always have.

If you feel called to support my work, please consider buying me a cup of cappuccino. It helps me greatly. Thank you so much.


30 days of instagram content ideas for vegans

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