life lessons from friends

I watch Friends almost every day. 

It has become a daily routine to sit down, watch an episode or two and drink toffee flavored cappuccino in my Barça mug. It makes me feel good and brings a smile on my face.

Especially now that it’s getting colder and staying inside is just cozier, I love having some time for myself.

One thing I love doing while watching TV shows or movies is to get the best life lessons out of them. Since I’ve watched Friends so many times that I can quote almost every single word, I figured I can share my love for it with you.

I looked at each friend and took one single lesson from how they live their life. They are all so different and unique that I loved writing this post and thinking of what you will get out of it.

After you finish reading, do make sure you leave a comment below sharing with all of us who your favorite character is. Mine is Chandler, although I am a lot like Ross.

Here are 6 life lessons learned from Friends:

  • Being hygienic can literally save your life.

Monica would be rocking this year and if there is anyone who would be safe from the virus, it would be her.

As someone who sweeps the floor before going to sleep because it brings me pleasure and washes her hands after touching pretty much anything, I am making sure I am as protected from any big illnesses as I can be.


Wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Listen to scientists and channel your inner Monica during the pandemic.

  • Bring laughter in every area of your life.

Chandler might be a jokester because of his traumatic childhood but it’s certainly something we can learn how to do in a healthy way ourselves.

We are already so stressed by everything life throws at us. Why not take some time every day to laugh until your belly hurts?


Watch stand up, comedies or read funny books. Spend time with children or other animals and laugh like there is no tomorrow. 

And when bad things happen, don’t be afraid to laugh at memories or silly things that might occur in the process of grieving. Life is so short, please laugh at how fascinating this whole journey is.

  • Never give up on finding love after a heartbreak.

If there is one thing Ross can teach us – one thing that he is most mocked for – is that after every heartbreak we are awaited by a new love story.

People will leave, hearts will break, our chest will hurt and tears will fall, but above all of that is the knowledge that we had the courage to love.


There were so many times when you thought you could never love again and still you fell down the hole when the right person appeared. Our brain wants to scare us but our heart just wants to love and love and love everyone it sees.

That’s beautiful! 

  • Indulge in what brings you pleasure.

Although eating junk food every day like Joey is not the healthiest thing we can do for our body, we can learn one thing from him.



If you want to ski, ski. If you want to dance, dance. If you want to make art, make art. If you want to hike, go hike. 

Indulge in what brings you pleasure. You are allowed to feel good. You don’t have to do anything to deserve pleasure because you are worthy of being free from suffering, pain and sadness.

  • Be yourself, always.

Not everyone has the confidence of Phoebe but we all can stand tall and be proud of who we are.

Yes, we may like the same movies and clothes as millions of other individuals but there is only one you and only one me. No one in the world has your thoughts, your passions and your experience.


Be your most honest self, and if people dislike it, accept that and move on. Everyone has preferences, and just because some humans don’t like you, it doesn’t make you less worthy of love and kindness.

  • You can transform your life and reach your dreams.

Rachel started off as a spoiled rich girl who had everything but didn’t feel a deep passion for it, and she worked hard to get to a happy place.

She left her comfort zone. She worked jobs that didn’t bring her joy. She found friends that loved her, not her money or status. She believed in true love even when her boyfriends turned out to be immature or pervy. 

She had the support of her friends but most importantly, she had a dream and she knew what she wanted. 


Of course, in a sitcom, everything is much much easier but you have nothing to lose in real life if you choose to follow your bliss. 

Maybe you will stand out and be weird for a while but at least you’re making the best of the life you have, unlike others who have accepted their faith. 

Have the guts to go after what you desire; you got his!

Okay, these are pretty good considering I got them from Friends, a sitcom that is not necessarily known for being life-changing and full of wisdom.

Anyway, this post is meant to be fun and entertaining because life is already stressful and we don’t need any more sadness. I hope you enjoyed reading it!

If you’ve never seen Friends, maybe this inspires you to watch an episode or two because it’s such a feel-good show. It will make you laugh and cry and feel like life is not as harsh as it seems.

Sure there are jokes that are not welcomed today but I like to think of the bad parts of the show as a reminder of how much we’ve grown and progressed as a society. We are more accepting now, we are more open.

If you want more posts like these please make sure you are following me on Pinterest and Instagram.


friends life lessons

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